Day 1: Introduction on IELTS and Reading module
Day 2: True, false, Not Given and Yes, No, Not Given
What are these types of questions?
What is the difference between True, False, Not Given and Yes, No, Not Given
What are the subtleties of deciphering the reading techniques that will enable to identify the statements as true, false/yes, no, not given?
Introduction to keywords
Solve exercises- Practise 1 or 2 exercises in the class
Day 3: Completion types
Instructions to solve completion types- Solve exercises using the desired technique
Day 4: Matching types- Its types and solve exercises using the desired technique
Day 5: Solve exercises related to different question types under reading
Note: Assignments to be given post completion of each of this types
After completion of each module, evaluation to be conducted to understand the comprehension level of the trainee
Day 6: Introduction to writing and its two tasks
Introduction to band descriptors
Day 7: Task 1- Academics
Report structure
Day 8: Task 1- General- Letter writing format
Day 9: teach evaluation techniques to the trainees
Day 10: Continue with the teaching of evaluation techniques
Day 11: Task 2- Essay structure introduction
Day 12: Opinion essay types to be discussed
Day 13: Non-Opinion essay types to be discussed
Day 14: Teach essay evaluation techniques to the trainees
Day 15: Continue with the teaching of evaluation techniques
Writing evaluation
Day 16: Listening introduction to listening
Day 17: Focus on listening types of exercises
Day 18: Introduction to Speaking structure and band descriptors
Day 19: Practise speaking with the trainees and teach evaluation techniques to the them
Day 20: Continue with the speaking evaluation techniques
Listening evaluation
Speaking evaluation
2 Subjects
521 Learning Materials
517 Learning Materials
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